Sooo... after a long hiatus with no real excuse but not getting my rear in gear and also having nothing to talk about, I am back with a bit of a spot for a new app I found and a plug for a friends blog.
Brewster is an app for the Android network that I have started using and feel free to add me to see what i've been drinking lately, download it, and add me, It helps me keep track of the beers i drink, new things, old things, stand-bys and amazing tidbits that I happen to find because I say "OOH! A piece of candy!"... or hey, this looks good. Logging beers is easy as opening one, you put in the name, then what you thought of it, then log it. If its not in the system, you can then add the brewery, ABV %, hometown, country, style of beer and additional comments that can be shared with other users as they look through your lists. If you click on a beer, there is a way to find out where the closest person that is also drinking that beer is. Its a cool app that is just fun for the beer drinkers of the world.
That friend I was talking about is Caramelized Love. We are (when we get our acts together) going to be doing some collaborative posts, mostly pairing my drinks with her food and hopefully making some wonderful Blog porn with our pairings. More stuff to come soon, hopefully...
Soon, yes. As soon as we both get our butts into gear!